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2023-11-03来源:网络阅读: 1438


The radical cure of malignant tumors is the inevitable choice for the development of human medicine!


Traditional Chinese medicine to cure malignant tumors, cancer cells to reverse the normal physiological cells, is a solemn commitment to the people of the world!






Traditional Chinese medicine has unique therapeutic effects and prospects in the treatment of major malignant tumors.

The following medical records are the latest medical developments: reporting to the people of the whole country:

Significant progress in the field of traditional Chinese medicine treatment for malignant tumors in the latest medical trends!

Accurate cancer treatment is the responsibility and mission of traditional Chinese medicine researchers, broadening their horizons and exploring unknown fields.



He is not a scientist, but he has conquered over thirty types of cancer and created miracles in the medical field.

He is not a diplomat, but a renowned figure overseas, with several billion views of his overseas reports. He is not a divine doctor, but he has cured countless tumor patients and is known as the "living Hua Tuo".


He regards his original mission as his ideal and belief, regards oncology medicine as his lifelong career, interprets the benevolence of doctors with hard work, and uses exquisite medical skills to make the light of life bloom, "continuing" the lives of countless cancer patients. He is Chen Hailin, a renowned cancer treatment expert in China and the president of Beijing Limin Yuan International Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

陈海林,男,汉族,出生于1955年8月。著名肿瘤专家,自然医学科学院院士、中医学博士后,曾就读于清华大学融商学院高EMBA总裁研修班,现为北京利民源国际中医学研究院院长、中国医促会中老年保健专业委员会肿瘤学科专家委员。Chen Hailin, male, Han nationality, was born in August 1955. Famous oncologist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Natural Medical Sciences, and postdoctoral fellow in Traditional Chinese Medicine. He previously attended the Senior EMBA President's Training Program at the School of Business at Tsinghua University. Currently, he is the President of Beijing Liminyuan International Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a member of the oncology expert committee of the China Association for the Promotion of Medicine's Middle and Elderly Health Professional Committee.

陈海林自幼行思异于常人,求知心切,对传统文化尤其热衷而求索,常亲身探察以验证。癌症是威胁人类生命健康的最大“杀手”。虽然现代医学不断前进,科技也不断发展,癌症仍然是科学家们未能越过的鸿沟。陈海林以求性命大道,融通诸家所长,发扬古中医学将《易经》、《五行》与气功、阴阳、养身诸学科相结合,从多层次、多元级、多系统、多方位、多维路、多渠道去开拓思维想象空间,在传统中医药学三焦气化多维求协论理论的指导下,与现代医学的诊断手段和影像资料有机的结合。对不同癌症患者的观察治疗,对症的药物组方,进行气化介入人体内气化中枢(脾胃)进行气体交换(机制)的升降出入进入病灶,迅速遏制癌细胞的扩散和转移,直接摧毁突变的癌细胞去修复缺失变异的细胞和细胞质。经多方位的气化演变,稳妥有序地将癌细胞迅速逆转为正常生理细胞,创造出了独具中国中医特色与创新思维的癌症综合治疗方案,标本皆施,创造了三焦气化多维求协论理论。Chen Hailin has been different from ordinary people in his thinking and behavior since childhood. He is eager to learn and is particularly passionate about traditional culture. He often personally explores and verifies it. Cancer is the biggest 'killer' that threatens human life and health. Although modern medicine continues to advance and technology continues to develop, cancer remains a gap that scientists have not been able to bridge. Chen Hailin strives for the path of life, integrating the strengths of various schools, and promoting ancient Chinese medicine. He combines the "Book of Changes" and "Five Elements" with various disciplines such as Qigong, Yin Yang, and nourishing the body, exploring the space for thinking and imagination from multiple levels, multiple levels, multiple systems, multiple directions, multiple paths, and multiple channels. Under the guidance of the traditional Chinese medicine theory of triple jiao gasification and multi-dimensional synergy, he organically combines it with modern medical diagnostic methods and imaging data. Observation and treatment of different cancer patients, targeted drug formulations, and gas exchange (mechanism) intervention in the gasification center (spleen and stomach) of the human body to quickly curb the spread and metastasis of cancer cells, directly destroying mutated cancer cells to repair missing and mutated cells and cytoplasm. Through multi-dimensional gasification and evolution, cancer cells are quickly reversed into normal physiological cells in a stable and orderly manner, creating a comprehensive cancer treatment plan with unique Chinese traditional Chinese medicine characteristics and innovative thinking. All specimens are applied, creating the theory of multi-dimensional synergy of the three jiao gasification.

癌症被称为“众病之王”。是因为迄今为止,它在早期发现、早期诊断和有效治疗等方面,比其他病种对人类更具威胁性。癌症也被西方医学界提出最攻克的医学难题。其实现实是没有治不了病,只有治不了的人。陈教授善于运用临证规律诊治疾病,从两个方面的规律:一是辨证论治的规律,这就是“常”,二是灵活变通的特殊规律,这就是“变。“常”与“变”是对立统一的,二者相互依赖,相互制约,受常变观的影响在建构中医理论、归纳生命活动规律、总结医疗经验过程中始终围绕“常”与“变”的关系展开。在脑瘤、食管中上段癌、鼻咽癌、喉癌、贲门癌、胃癌、肝癌、胆总管癌、骨 癌、肺癌、膀胱癌、淋巴癌、乳腺癌、绒毛癌,胸管癌,石癌、舌癌、神经性恶性肿瘤等四十多种肿瘤疾病,一次性治疗,没有第二次复发,陈教授临床研究已成为医学发展的重中之重,临床研究已成为国家医药创新能力的重要标杆之一,甚至被世界各国提到了关乎国计民生和国家发展的战略高度。国际上的医学难题现在由中国的中医交了这份答卷。

Cancer is known as the "king of diseases". Because so far, it poses a greater threat to humans than other diseases in terms of early detection, early diagnosis, and effective treatment. Cancer has also been identified as the most challenging medical problem by the Western medical community. In fact, there is no incurable disease in reality, only people who cannot be cured. Professor Chen is good at using clinical laws to diagnose and treat diseases. He has two aspects of the law: one is the law of syndrome differentiation and treatment, which is "chang", and the other is the special law of flexible adaptation, which is "chang". "chang" and "chang" are opposing and unified, and they are interdependent and mutually constrained. Influenced by the concept of chang, they construct traditional Chinese medicine theory, induce the laws of life activities The process of summarizing medical experience always revolves around the relationship between "constant" and "change". In more than 30 kinds of tumor diseases, such as brain tumor, middle and upper esophageal cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, laryngeal cancer, cardiac cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, common bile duct cancer, bone cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer cancer, lymphatic cancer, breast cancer, villus cancer, thoracic duct cancer, tongue cancer, neural malignant tumor, there is no second recurrence after one-time treatment. Professor Chen's clinical research has become the top priority of medical development, Clinical research has become one of the important benchmarks for national pharmaceutical innovation capabilities, and has even been mentioned by countries around the world as a strategic height related to national economy, people's livelihood, and national development. The international medical challenges are now being submitted by Chinese traditional Chinese medicine.






Wen qi Lin teacher found cancer after the major hospital treatment, also transferred to Beijing 301 hospital, the hospital rejected because of serious illness, finally he found Chen teacher, after Chen using nine months of treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, cancer cells have been converted into normal cells, cancer has been completely cured, is also taking an active part in social activities.

案例2、 巨型肝癌

患者:陈某,湖南省岳阳市平阳县人。158mmx127mm巨型肝癌,63岁,2021年6月在湖南人民医院检查出肝硬化,胰腺钩突肿,15.8CM患者的病情已经十分严重患者因为年龄较大,身体素质不好,医院建议保守治疗。在医院医生已经放弃治疗,家人失去希望的时候,去年10月,陈胖斌的女儿通过朋友的介绍(女儿朋友母亲就是吃了陈海林教授中药治疗好了淋巴癌)认识了陈海林教授,陈教授知道了如此严重的病症非常担心,赶快安排了患者家人赶赴山西问诊,望闻问切一系列下来,陈教授根据他的多年经验开出药方,患者原本每天要以止疼药来缓解疼痛,吃了陈教授的中药半月已经不需要吃止疼药了,现在经纯中医中药治疗,十四个月化整为零,临床治愈!Case 10: Giant liver cancer

Patient: Chen, from Pingyang County, Yueyang City, Hunan Province. 158mmx127mm giant liver cancer, 63 years old, was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis and pancreatic uncinate process swelling at Hunan People's Hospital in June 2021. The condition of the 15.8cm patient is already very severe. Due to their age and poor physical fitness, the hospital recommends conservative treatment. When doctors in the hospital had already given up treatment and family members had lost hope, last October, Chen Pangbin's daughter met Professor Chen Hailin through a friend's introduction (her friend's mother had taken Professor Chen Hailin's traditional Chinese medicine to treat lymphatic cancer). Professor Chen was very worried about such a serious illness and quickly arranged for the patient's family to visit Shanxi for a series of consultations. Based on his years of experience, Professor Chen prescribed a prescription, The patient used to use painkillers every day to relieve pain, but after taking Professor Chen's traditional Chinese medicine for half a month, they no longer need to take painkillers. Now, after being treated with pure traditional Chinese medicine, it has been reduced to zero in 14 months and clinically cured!


Patient Chen, who had already given up treatment at the hospital, had a giant liver cancer of 158mmx127m. After 15 months of pure traditional Chinese medicine treatment by Professor Chen Hailin, it was significantly reduced to 7mmx9mm upon examination on February 2, 2023. This is another major medical achievement in medical history, saving the patient's life. Let's praise Professor Chen!!



Pancreatic cancer is known as the "king of cancer", and it is difficult to treat. Patient: Li Ladi, in October 2017, a low echo nodule about 4.5cm x 2.8cm in size was seen on the head of the pancreas. According to Professor Chen, the treatment effect of traditional Chinese medicine is obvious. After reexamination, there are no obvious abnormalities in the morphology and signals of the pancreas and bilateral kidneys. Attached is the examination report:


Case 4. Rectal cancer recurrence after six months of surgery:


Wen Zhi, male, 60 years old, is from Fuqiang Road, Fuqiang Street, Qingshan District, Baotou City, Inner Mongolia. Ccome before March 18,2o23. Chief complaint: because of the recurrence of large bowel surgery, the recent gastric digestion is very poor, abdominal pain aggravated!


On March 14,2023, I am preparing for the return surgery in Beijing Xijing Cancer Hospital. After examination, the rectal surgery site recurred, with stiffness, no vitality, abdominal stasis, and lack of radiotherapy. Come to me for treatment before March 18,2o23. Thin body, complexion slightly yellow and white, abdominal flatulence and abdominal pain, dysphagia, stomach appetite is very poor, surgical pain, systemic fatigue, walking difficult, tongue light white coating sticky thickening, pulse treatment floating and smooth string. Sputum poison yong swelling, spleen and stomach disorders, injection of dampness and heat, viscera obstruction. Should: warm the spleen and stomach, dredge the viscera, swelling, swelling and blood stasis.(Coeliac functional disorders: multiple small lymph nodes in the intraperitoneal and retroperitoneum, slightly thickened bladder wall, prostatic hyperplasia, pelvic and bilateral inguinal small lymph nodes and other basic diseases, all belong to the scope of treatment). I began to take traditional Chinese medicine on March 18,2023. After more than 15o days of pure traditional Chinese medicine treatment, I feel good about myself. On September 8,2023, cT report in Baotou oma'Hospital, Inner Mongolia: Image comparison: Image comparison with June 20,2023:7: the wall of the rectal anastomosis was thickened, the structural disorder and surrounding peritoneal opacity were reduced than before, and the cable shadow was reduced.


I was officially stopped on September 9,2023, and I feel good about myself. Today (morning of October 31), I am in good health and can participate in labor every day.


Case 4: Brain Metastasis of Myeloma


患者在北京301医院检查治疗结果左脑肿瘤大于右脑肿瘤,陈海林采取采取纯中药的临床治疗,经三个月的治疗,于2023年6月28日的颅脑磁共振平扫十增强:1:右侧小脑转移瘤复查与2o23年3月9日MR片对比,病变基本消失。这个结果连301医院的都声称是奇迹。Case 24: Small cell lung cancer with brain metastasis

The patient underwent examination and treatment at Beijing 301 Hospital, and the results showed that the left brain tumor was larger than the right brain tumor. Chen Hailin adopted clinical treatment with pure Chinese medicine, and after three months of treatment, on June 28, 2023, the brain magnetic resonance plain scan with ten contrasts: 1. Compared with the MR film on March 9, 2023, the right cerebellar metastatic tumor reexamined and the lesion basically disappeared. This result is even claimed to be a miracle by Hospital 301.


患者:王育明,男,72岁在施行微创后,不灌肠,不化疗,服用三个月中药临床治愈。前后检查对比。Case 11: Bladder Malignant Tumor.

Patient: Wang Yuming, male, 72 years old. After undergoing minimally invasive surgery, he did not undergo enema or chemotherapy and was clinically cured after taking traditional Chinese medicine for three months. Compare before and after inspections.


患者:任庚虎,男,64岁,患肺小细胞癌,右肺中叶阻塞性不张,经短时间服用纯中药治疗明显对比,较前明显好转。患者任庚虎为陈海林教授写下神秘的东方国度,古老的东方传说,千年岁月的砥砺,万病回春的神奇,共同造就了国医。让我们来歌颂您,您用仁心仁术抚去了疾患的病痛,你用儒道医德带来了康复的福音。你的精髓,广为传诵。你的经典,终生铭记。Case 14: Small Cell Lung Cancer

Patient: Ren Genghu, male, 64 years old, suffering from small cell lung cancer with obstructive atelectasis in the middle lobe of the right lung. After taking pure Chinese medicine for a short period of time, there was a significant improvement compared to before. Patient Ren Genghu wrote for Professor Chen Hailin the mysterious Eastern Kingdom, ancient Eastern legends, the tempering of thousands of years, and the miraculous rejuvenation of diseases, all of which together created the national medicine. Let us sing praises to you. With your benevolence and benevolence, you have soothed the pain of your illness, and with your Confucian and Taoist medical ethics, you have brought the gospel of recovery. Your essence is widely circulated. Your classic will be remembered for a lifetime.


患者伍瑞玲,在当地三甲医院作了化疗第1、2次比较有效的,从第3次起后面5次癌胚抗原一直没什么变化,而身体反应很大,睡不好吃不下饭,抵抗力差,后经到陈教授一个月的中医药治疗,检验报告基本达到正常。Case 16: Malignant Tumors

Patient Wu Ruiling received chemotherapy at the local tertiary hospital for the first and second times, which was relatively effective. Since the third time, there has been no change in the carcinoembryonic antigen in the last five times, and her body has had a lot of reactions. She cannot sleep well and has poor resistance. After receiving a month of traditional Chinese medicine treatment from Professor Chen, the test report is basically normal.




患者王春平 59岁,河北省邢台市临城县赵庄乡围场村于2020年1月15日在临城中医医院诊断急性阑尾炎,于202O年1月16日做盲肠部分切除术,。又于2020年1月16一27日回盲部分切除物进行病理图像分析报告:病理号4134。病理诊断结果:(回盲部)送检为腺癌组织,结构不清,部分侵及肠壁肌层。于2o2O年3月10日前来陈院长处就诊;经过近七月的治疗,于2020年10月29日检查,回盲癌完全消失。陈院长说;回盲癌很难手术后成功,因为王春平有肠壁肌层侵入。她不愿再做第二手术创伤,选定中医中药,一定能在她身上再创奇迹,果然经七个月的经心治疗,2O2O年10月2日经检查该病消失了,更加激发王春平对未来美好生活的幢景和追求。Case 17: Colorectal cancer

Patient Wang Chunping, 59 years old, was diagnosed with acute appendicitis in Weichang Village, Zhaozhuang Township, Lincheng County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province on January 15, 2020 at Lincheng Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. He underwent partial cecal resection on January 16, 2020,. On January 16-27, 2020, pathological image analysis was performed on the partially resected ileocecal material, with pathological number 4134. Pathological diagnosis: (ileocecal region) submitted for examination as adenocarcinoma tissue, with unclear structure and partial invasion of the intestinal wall muscle layer. Visit Director Chen for medical treatment before March 10, 2020; After nearly seven months of treatment and examination on October 29, 2020, the ileocecal cancer completely disappeared. Dean Chen said; It is difficult to successfully treat ileocecal cancer after surgery because Wang Chunping has invaded the muscular layer of the intestinal wall. She was unwilling to undergo a second surgical trauma and chose traditional Chinese medicine, which would surely create another miracle on her. Indeed, after seven months of psychological treatment, the disease disappeared after examination on October 2, 2020, further stimulating Wang Chunping's pursuit of a better future life.


患者贾永乐,头部胶质瘤五个,可以说医学界极为罕见;患者只做两个放疗后重度昏迷七十三天没有睁过一次眼,没有语言没有吞咽功能,此人已被天坛医院三0一医院协和医院宣武医院等IO家医院判为无法挽回了,陈海林教授被病人家属邀请5日三十到北京连夜治疗,第二天开始睁一下眼睛,今天第八天,可以睁开眼睛四分钟,今五个瘤体都在缩小,堪称奇迹!还有晚期肝癌患者,今年三月在北京肿瘤医院检查后,该院判定最多三个月存活期,当时肝区疼痛都在用止疼药。从陈海林院长四月四开始治疗至今八月八日,生命延读了肝癌在缩小,不用止痛药。还有中晚期肺癌患者,无西医介入一次治疗,完全靠中医,至今很好。Case 18: Glioma

Patient Jia Yongle has five head gliomas, which can be said to be extremely rare in the medical community; After only two rounds of radiation therapy, the patient was in a severe coma for 73 days without ever opening their eyes, without language or swallowing function. This person has been ruled irreparable by IO hospitals such as the Xuanwu Hospital of Tiantan Hospital, Sany Hospital, Xiehe Hospital, and other hospitals. Professor Chen Hailin was invited by the patient's family to Beijing for overnight treatment on the 5th and 30th. The next day, he started to open his eyes. Today, on the 8th day, he was able to open his eyes for four minutes, and all five tumors are shrinking, It's a miracle! There are also patients with advanced liver cancer. After undergoing an examination at the Beijing Cancer Hospital in March this year, the hospital determined a maximum survival period of three months. At that time, painkillers were being used for liver pain. Since Dean Chen Hailin started treatment on April 4th until August 8th, his life has been delayed and liver cancer is shrinking, without the use of painkillers. There are also patients with mid to late stage lung cancer who rely solely on traditional Chinese medicine without the intervention of Western medicine, and have been doing well to this day.


患者路锁环,女,64岁,家住北京市海淀区大柳树路2号中国铁道研究院南三楼。于2017年6月在北京人民医院进行右肾癌全切手术,于2O2O年8月19日在北京市海淀区医院彩色超声检查,住院号39848O。检查所見:右肾切除术后,左肾大小约122mm×64mm,实质厚约12mm,实质回声增强,结构欠清晰,左肾盂及多个肾盏扩张,最宽约22mm,肾盂内可見不均回声,饱围约74mm×27mm,形态不规则,边界尚清晰,其内似見少量血流信号,左侧输尿管受肠气干扰不清晰。检查结论:右肾切除后,左肾孟内实性病变伴.,左肾积水,性质待定,不除外癌。Case 19: Renal Cancer

Patient Road Lock Ring, female, 64 years old, residing at No. 2 Daliushu Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China Railway Research Institute, South 3rd Floor. In June 2017, a total resection surgery for right renal cell carcinoma was performed at Beijing People's Hospital. On August 19, 2020, a color ultrasound examination was performed at Haidian District Hospital in Beijing, with hospitalization number 39848O. Examination findings: After right nephrectomy, the size of the left kidney is approximately 122mm × 64mm, with a parenchymal thickness of approximately 12mm. The parenchymal echo is enhanced and the structure is not clear. The left renal pelvis and multiple renal calices are dilated, with a maximum width of approximately 22mm. Uneven echoes can be seen in the renal pelvis, with a saturation circumference of approximately 74mm × 27mm, irregularly shaped, with clear boundaries. It appears to have a small amount of blood flow signal inside, and the left ureter is not clearly affected by intestinal gas interference. Examination conclusion: After right nephrectomy, there is a solid lesion in the left kidney accompanied by, Left renal hydronephrosis, nature undetermined, excluding cancer.



Case 14: Malignant lymphoma

Patient Qiu Congli, female, 49 years old, from Ninghai County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. On September 12, 2018, a biopsy was conducted in the field of oncology at Fudan University in Shanghai: lymphohematopoietic malignancy lymphoma cannot be excluded. Immediately: Color ultrasound examination at Longhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: A low echo trapped mass with a size of 46x28x32mm was found at the left thigh root mass. The appearance is irregular, with uneven internal echoes and abundant blood flow signals. Ultrasound impression: A solid mass occupying the base of the left thigh.

该病于2018年9月23日开始纯中药治疗,经过10个月的中医药的临床治疗,于2ol9年10月21日在宁波市临床病理诊断中心:细针吸取细胞学病理诊断报告单:附图:细胞学病理诊断结果:(左大腿根部淋巴结针吸)涂片中见散在淋巴细胞,未见肿瘤依据。The disease began pure traditional Chinese medicine treatment on September 23, 2018. After 10 months of clinical treatment with traditional Chinese medicine, it was diagnosed on October 21, 2019 at the Ningbo Clinical Pathology Diagnosis Center: Fine needle aspiration cytology Pathology Diagnosis Report Form: Attached Figure: Cytology Pathology Diagnosis Result: Scattered lymphocytes were found in the smear (needle aspiration of lymph nodes at the left thigh root), and no tumor evidence was found.

该患者经10个月的纯中药临床治愈后,不服药,不转移,不复发,五年过去了仍旧走向工作岗位,积极投身于祖国的建设事业中。于2023年7月I日隨访健状况良好。After 10 months of pure traditional Chinese medicine clinical treatment, the patient did not take medication, did not transfer, and did not relapse. Five years later, he still went to work and actively devoted himself to the construction of the motherland. Follow up on July I, 2023 showed good health condition.



Case 15: COVID-19 critical patients

The patient Rong retired from the military (military doctor), 73 years old, went to the seafood market before 2020, was hospitalized with a cold the next day, was diagnosed with COVID-19 on the fifth day, and was admitted to the severe respiratory department on the seventh day. Immediately: anti inflammation, anti-tumor, immune drugs, all means exhausted, only one breath left, in a very difficult time. Choosing traditional Chinese medicine and achieving lifelong success has lasted for more than two years now. No matter how many mistakes and setbacks he encountered in these two years, he has survived. Even without taking medication, he still enjoys his old age in a healthy and joyful manner!


The patient was infected at the beginning of COVID-19. At the critical moment, he found Mr. Chen Hailin to use traditional Chinese medicine for the final treatment. Unexpectedly, he was successfully cured in a few months, which brought hope to the patient and was a model of the people. After his successful cure, he gained global recognition and was recognized as an internationally recognized figure in the fight against the epidemic.


Case 16: Left lung squamous cell carcinoma with brain metastasis

案例17、 晚期膀胱癌

Case 17. Advanced bladder cancer

上图是22年前,晚期膀胱癌,30天临床治愈。纯中药治疗,至今22年,仍在农业第一线参加劳动。(一次性治愈后,不服药,不复发,不转移)。这是22年前的经典病案。The picture above shows that 22 years ago, advanced bladder cancer was clinically cured in 30 days. Pure traditional Chinese medicine treatment has been used for 22 years and still participates in labor at the forefront of agriculture. After a one-time cure, do not take medication, do not recur, and do not transfer. This is a classic medical record from 22 years ago.



2020年6月24日找到陈海林老师,陈老师经过一系列的诊疗,于25日开始服用中药,经过四个月的诊疗和细心呵护,可以下床行走,状态明显好转 ,2020年10月去医院复查,明显好转,患者继续服用第三个疗程的中药,于2021年1月又去复查,检查已经未见明显异常,彻底治愈。患者经7个月的纯中医中药治疗,患者的精神状态。自我感觉良好。于2021年1月30日在北京市密云区医院超声影像报告:超声所見:腹腔未见明显异常肿大淋巴结。超声提示:目前超声未见明显异常。从2021年l月30日停药至今将近两年,康复后的王文学不服药,不转移,不复发,经常参加农业劳动。于2023年11月2日从一位知情者那里了解到,王文学健康状况良好。

经中医药临床治愈后,不复发,不转移,这就是中医中药在恶性肿瘤区域内区别于其他疗法的独特之处 ,伟大之处。



Feng Junxiang, female, 50 years old, a bank employee in Xingtai City, Hebei Province. Ccome before August 23,2o23. Chief complaint: a mass on the right side of the lower abdomen with unbearable pain and worsened in the last week. Current medical history: CT examination report in Xingtai People's Hospital, Hebei Province on July 19,2023: CT enhancement of chest and whole abdomen: seen: In the right appendage area, the size was 93x73mm, and the CT value of arteriovenous phase was about 50HU. Impression: The right appendage area was covered with solid mass, considering the possibility of malignant lesions: the hospital requested surgical treatment, but also considered the arteriovenous area, and the operation was suspended. Come to my institution for treatment before August 3,2023. Moderate body, a mass on the right side of the lower abdomen (more prominent) pain, pale face (anemia>, loss of appetite, walking inconvenience, the mass was falling. Abuse for more than a year. Tongue color pale moss sticky, both sides of a little gingival vein sink late and string slippery? Syndrome differentiation: cold coagulation qi stagnation, phlegm dampness obstruction: meridian stasis, qi and blood deficiency. Treatment: through the activation, swelling and dispersing, warm the kidney and spleen, supplement qi and blood.


Treatment was synchronized with the surrounding metastatic lesions and the underlying disease. On August 3,2o23, and on September 18,2023, the report: Examination No. (92309 | 9o7): in the right accessory area, the size was about 70x64mm, the solid composition of the enhanced scan was less than before, and the CT value during the arteriovenous period was about 37HU. The bladder filling was normal with a thick wall. Impression: a solid cystic mass in the right appendage area, smaller than the anterior area, with less solid composition. Liver and spleen multiple low enhancement focus, compared with the previous reduction and reduction. The diaphragm and the peritoneum were nodular and thickened, and the omentum was thickened, which was significantly better than before. The left supraclavicular, bilateral cardiac phrenic horn area, multiple small abdominal and retroperitoneal lymph nodes, reduced and reduced before teaching. The gallbladder wall is slightly thicker. Changes occurred after a hysterectomy. The nodules of the right lung are the same as before, and follow-up observation is recommended. The left lobe of thyroid nodule, please combine with ultrasound examination


After 45 days of clinical treatment of pure Chinese medicine, there are great obvious changes, until the patient is in continued treatment!



Case 20: Cervical cancer recurrence after surgery, peritoneal metastasis. After colostomy, vaginal intestinal fistula and other metastasis.


Li Xiumei, female, 58 years old. Caoyanzhuang Community, Qiaoxi District, Xingtai City, Hebei Province. Come in for treatment before August 31,2o23. Chief complaint: abdominal distension, vaginal bleeding, urination, more serious recently. Current medical history: The patient was hospitalized on July 5,2o23, in Xingtai First Hospital, cancer Hospital cT examination report: Impression: refer to the cT image of abdominal box on May 7,2o23: after cervical cancer, vaginal and rectal fistula, more new than before. Rectal wall thickening, oedema? Box space nodules, peritoneal metastasis, decreased in the anterior range, the anterior nodules of the original bladder showed not clear. Liver segment 1V cyst. Meng in the right kidney was slightly dilated and more new than before. Multiple diverticula in the ascending colon.


Thin body, pale face, shortness of breath, systemic fatigue, poor walking, bedridden, reduced appetite, bloated lower abdomen, and difficulty in urination. The tongue is pale and white, and the moss is sticky and thickened. Pulse depression and string slip syndrome differentiation: cold and dampness stagnation, phlegm poison obstruction, body fluid loss, qi and Yin deficiency. Treatment: warm spleen, tonify kidney, reduce swelling and remove blood stasis, pass meridians and activate collaterals, and replenish qi and blood. It is recommended to stop all, chemotherapy and western medicine treatment. Direct pure traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Treatment intensity intensity for patients::


Keep to the pathogenesis, careful observation, careful medicine, symptomatic treatment. TCM was started on September 1,2o23 until October 1,2023, for 30 days. On October 2,2023 in Xingtai First Hospital, Cancer Hospital ci examination report: Impression: refer to the lower abdominal pelvis on July 5,2023,7-12, upper abdominal CT image: 1: Cervical cancer, vagorectal fistula after surgery, it is recommended to combine clinical practice.2: Straut wall thickening, edema?3: Box cavity nodules, considering peritoneal metastasis, are reduced compared with the anterior range.4: After a transverse colostomy.5: Liver segment IV, v-vl segment junction cyst.6: Multiple joint swelling in both kidneys.7: The right kidney meng was slightly dilated, which was better than before.8: Multiple diverticula in the ascending colon.9 See calcified nodules in the right gallbladder fossa area of the abdominal cavity?


After only one month of treatment, the condition was effectively controlled, and the patient's condition was greatly improved: the right side of the lower abdomen was reduced, abdominal pain and abdominal brain was significantly reduced, eating close to ordinary people, the complexion gradually ruddy, he could walk first, and is currently receiving treatment.:


From the above two cases belong to the critical and complex trend, the first to stop the spread and metastasis of cancer cells, and then according to the condition of vegetable management, no, will accomplish nothing!


The comparison before medication and only one month after medication is for reference only.


Li Xiumei has been completely cured, and is now able to help her daughter pick up her children to school and from school, returning to normal life.


From by times, TCM has been witnessed by facts. In ancient times, there were Li Shizhen and Sun Simiao, and now Chen Hailin carried the banner of TCM and led the Chinese medicine forward.

中医药学博大精深、源远流长,是中华民族在长期的生产与生活实践中认识生命、维护健康、战胜疾病的宝贵经验总结,,陈海林用独特的思维和方法解决了很多疑难癌症,用自己高超的医技书写了很多传奇故事,彰显了精彩的人生,也获得众多荣誉。陈海林教授承诺;中医中药根治恶性肿瘤,癌细胞逆转正常生理细胞,是对世界人民的庄严承诺。中医药根治恶性肿瘤是人类医学发展的必然选择!是攻克世界医学难题的一把金钥匙!Traditional Chinese medicine is extensive, profound, and has a long history. It is a valuable summary of the Chinese nation's experience in understanding life, maintaining health, and overcoming diseases through long-term production and life practice. Chen Hailin solved many difficult cancers with his unique thinking and methods, and wrote many legendary stories with his superb medical skills, showcasing a wonderful life and receiving numerous honors. Professor Chen Hailin promises; Traditional Chinese medicine is a solemn promise to the people of the world to eradicate malignant tumors and reverse normal physiological cells in cancer cells. Radical treatment of malignant tumors with traditional Chinese medicine is an inevitable choice for the development of human medicine! It is a golden key to overcoming the world's medical challenges!











Industry Honors

In 2009, he was appointed as an expert committee member in the field of oncology by the Middle and Elderly Health Care Professional Committee of the China Association for the Promotion of Medical Technology, and won the first prize for innovation in traditional Chinese medicine and the second prize for scientific research achievements. The discussion on the rapid reversal of cancer cells into physiological cells won the second prize for scientific research achievements.

On October 21, 2009, Dr. Chen Hailin's paper on the root cause and case analysis of malignant tumors based on the three jiao gasification was awarded an excellent paper by the Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine and awarded an excellent paper certificate.

On November 18, 2009, he was appointed as the Chief Expert by the Development Promotion Professional Committee of Famous Medical Hospitals of the National High Health Commission and issued a certificate.

In December 2009, he was hired by China Physician Network as the Vice Chairman of the Advisory Committee.

On May 20, 2010, he was awarded the title of internationally registered specialty medical practitioner.

In October 2010, it was designated as a research base for traditional Chinese medicine malignant tumor characteristic therapies by the Chinese Association for the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and was awarded the honorary title of characteristic diagnosis and treatment expert.

In October 2010, the 10th issue of "Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine" was supplemented with an article on the medical case of Chen Hailin, and a paper certificate was issued by the Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

On December 10, 2010, participated in the National Forum of Traditional Chinese Medicine Experts and Scholars held by the Traditional Chinese Medicine Journal to celebrate its 55th anniversary, and awarded the National Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine Expert and Scholar Honorary Medal.

In March 2011, the Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Ancient Books Publishing House included the paper in the book "Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine Brands Expo" and issued an excellent paper certificate.
























At the end of 2011, an article titled "Introduction to the Experience of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treating Malignant Tumors" was published in a 6-volume supplement to the World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

On May 10, 2011, the paper "Radical treatment of malignant tumors with traditional Chinese medicine is still the choice for the development of medicine in the world today" was awarded the Special Prize for Excellent Academic Paper by the organizing committee of the first Traditional Medicine Innovation and Development Forum.

On August 27, 2011, he was recruited as a member of the Cancer Branch of the Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

In September 2011, the paper was awarded the First Prize for Excellent Medical Clinical Technology at the China Medical Clinical Technology Progress Conference. On October 9, 2011, it was selected as the Special Prize for Excellent Medical Science and Technology Achievements at the 2011 National Clinical Laboratory Reform and Development Seminar.

In July 2011, the paper was published in the book "Scientific Development in China", edited by the magazine "Scientific Socialism" of the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China, and published by the Central Literature Publishing House.

On November 15, 2011, the China Association of International Specialty Physicians issued the "International Registered Professional Qualification Certificate" and was certified as a practicing physician in traditional Chinese medicine.

In May 2012, he served as the deputy editor in chief of the book "Collection of Traditional Medicine Inheritance and Innovation Achievements".

Personal achievements and deeds are published in the book "Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China", edited by the General Office of the State Council and the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China, and published by the China Science and Culture Press.

In 2012, he served as the deputy editor in chief of the book "Diagnosis and Treatment Skills of Chinese Famous Doctors".

In October 2012, he served as the editor in chief of the "Chinese Medical Pioneer Classic".

On October 30, 2012, a drug for treating esophageal cancer was accepted by the China National Intellectual Property Administration to apply for an invention patent.

On March 26, 2013, a Chinese medicine for lung cancer was accepted by the China National Intellectual Property Administration to apply for an invention patent.

In June 2013, he was appointed as the Chief Representative of Shanxi Province by the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance and Development Professional Committee and the National Health System Development Local Office.

In June 2013, after being selected and evaluated by the World Summit Medical Joint Evaluation Committee, the certificate of academician of the Academy of Natural Medical Sciences was awarded.

In July 2013, he was specially appointed as a visiting professor by the Social Science Professional Committee of the Chinese Association of Senior Professors in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Expert Group.

In August 2013, he was awarded the title of Lifetime Vice Chairman by the Chinese Association of Scientists.

In August 2013, he was invited as a special editorial board member by the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China and the China Leadership Science Research Association for the series "Seeking Truth Pioneers - Theory and Practice of Improving Cultural Development Ability of Leading Cadres".

In November 2013, he was awarded the title of National Traditional Chinese Medicine Tumor Doctor by the China Association of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine.

In November 2013, he was awarded the 2013 China Science and Technology Innovation Outstanding Achievement Award by the 10th China Association of Scientists and won the first prize of the 10th China Scientists Excellent Paper Award.

In 2014, he was elected as a special person photo in the calendar of the Chinese Association of Scientists to celebrate the New Year of the Horse.

In January 2014, he was certified by the International JCI Joint Committee for Medical and Health Practice Certification and issued an International JCI Certified Registered Physician with the qualification name of Director (Senior) Physician.

In April 2014, he submitted the "Traditional Chinese Medicine Radical Treatment of Malignant Tumors is the Foundation of Benefiting the People and Strengthening the Country" to the National Medical Education Development Center, and won the first prize of the Excellent Paper on Inheritance and Innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Characteristic Therapy.

In May 2014, he was awarded the World Millennium Doctor Earth Pride Award by the World Institute of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine and the Organizing Committee of the World Traditional Chinese Medicine Festival and World TCM Achievement Summit.





2021年7月份陈海林教授研发的《一种治疗癌症的中药组合物》被发明者协会国际联合会授予金奖。食道癌获囯际金奖,肺癌获国际金奖,新冠肺炎获国际功勋奖。In June 2014, he was appointed as the CEO of Shanxi region by the Medical Science Research Institute of Beijing Zhongke Zhaobang Hospital.

In July 2014, he was invited by the editorial board of the "Development and Exploration of the Chinese Dream" series by China Yanshi Publishing House as a specially invited editorial board member, with a medical paper attached.

In 2014, he was awarded the International Gold Award (Golden Horse Award) in the 5th World Chinese Outstanding Innovation Achievement Selection Activity, with file number JZQ11-18. He was also awarded the honorary title of Outstanding Innovative Person of World Chinese.

In December 2014, he was named one of China's top ten cancer doctors. Selected as a calendar person of the year 2015 by the Chinese Association of Scientists.

In July 2021, Professor Chen Hailin's "A Traditional Chinese Medicine Composition for Treating Cancer" was awarded a gold medal by the International Federation of Inventors' Associations. Esophageal cancer won the international gold medal, lung cancer won the international gold medal, and COVID-19 won the international merit award.


At present, the development of traditional Chinese medicine is at a great opportunity for the harmony of time, place, and people. Dean Chen Hailin has called through domestic and foreign media that the radical treatment of malignant tumors with traditional Chinese medicine is an inevitable choice for the development of human medicine. Returning to traditional medicine, breaking through the situation and rebirth, allowing the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine's "prajna" to meet the world, and opening the key to the treasure trove of Chinese civilization, is an important task facing the current development of Chinese medicine. Only by following the development law of traditional Chinese medicine, basing on the foundation, digging out the essence, and maintaining the characteristics, can traditional Chinese medicine take root and flourish, and the art of Qihuang can continue to flourish. It is an inevitable choice for Chen Hailin to inherit the essence, uphold integrity and innovate, and walk out a path that conforms to the development characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine.

中医药用最短的时间和花最少的人民币即治疗最大的癌症病症。还就是中医药区别于其它疗法最成功最本质最能体贴广大人民和病患者的根本区别。还就是中医科研工作者的那份职责和担当。人民生命健康就是毕生的追求。至今经中医治愈癌症病人已越过三十年的考证,癌细胞逆转为正常生理细胞已成为我们治病的常态化话题,有望在本世纪中彻底攻克癌症,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴的中国梦,人类健康命运共同体、鲜红的旗帜遍布全球,永远飘扬!The shortest time and the least amount of RMB spent for traditional Chinese medicine to treat the largest cancer disease. That is the fundamental difference between traditional Chinese medicine and other therapies, which is the most successful, essential, and caring for the people and patients. It is also the responsibility and responsibility of traditional Chinese medicine researchers. People's life and health are lifelong pursuits. It has been over thirty years since cancer patients were cured by traditional Chinese medicine, and the reversal of cancer cells into normal physiological cells has become a normalized topic in our treatment. It is expected to completely conquer cancer in this century, and to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the Chinese Dream. The common body of human health and destiny, the bright red flag, is spread all over the world, forever flying!

诸多的癌症患者,经著名治癌专家陈海林教授治愈后的几十年里,都健康的陪着家人并和谐正常的生活着;还有的治愈后依然投身于祖国建设的各条战线上;由于陈海林教授采用的中医药根治癌症的治疗原则,不是以毒攻毒,也不是杀死癌细胞,更不是带瘤生存;而是运用自己研发的中医三焦气化理论既中医药辩证论治疗法,将癌细胞逆转成为了正常的生理细胞;凡经陈海林教授治愈后的人,一是不再转移复发;二是告别终身服药;三是不会寽终于癌症。还就是陈海林教授30多年来独创研发的中医药根治癌症的精髓特色。也是高度概括出“中医药根治恶性肿瘤是人类医学发展的必然选择”的经典理论。“征途漫漫,唯有奋斗”。虽然已经变得了历史性的突破,但陈海林院长深知癌症研究领域有很多的未知需要他去探索,攻克各种癌症,人民生命健康是他毕生的追求。Many cancer patients, after being cured by renowned cancer expert Professor Chen Hailin, have been living a healthy and harmonious life with their families for several decades; Some still devote themselves to various fronts of national construction after being cured; Due to Professor Chen Hailin's use of traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of cancer, the principle is not to use poison to fight against poison, nor to kill cancer cells, nor to survive with tumors; Instead, using the self-developed theory of traditional Chinese medicine's three jiao gasification, which is a dialectical treatment method of traditional Chinese medicine, cancer cells are reversed into normal physiological cells; Those who have been cured by Professor Chen Hailin will no longer experience metastasis or recurrence; The second is to bid farewell to lifelong medication; The third is that they will not eventually develop cancer. This is also the essence and characteristics of Professor Chen Hailin's over 30 years of innovative research and development of traditional Chinese medicine for the radical treatment of cancer. It is also a classic theory that highly summarizes that "the radical treatment of malignant tumors with traditional Chinese medicine is an inevitable choice for the development of human medicine". The journey is long, only through struggle. Although it has become a historic breakthrough, Dean Chen Hailin is well aware that there are many unknowns in the field of cancer research that require him to explore and conquer various cancers. People's life and health are his lifelong pursuit.

他们才是改变厄运的主人,康复后用辛勤的劳动叙写着人生的珍贵乐章!They are the masters of the change of bad luck, after the recovery with hard work to write the precious movement of life!我们的医学论文洒在神州大地,我们的科研成果激励着一批又一批康复者投身于祖国建设的四面八方!Our medical papers are sprinkled on the land of China, and our scientific research achievements inspire a group of recovered people to devote themselves to the construction of the motherland in all directions of the country!

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